One of the biggest debates in our home is: function or form? While I’ve always believed in form above function (or even practicality at one point), our small apartment has made me realize the beauty of both. Because honestly it’s form and function that have proven to offer the most creative storage solutions for small spaces. So I rounded up our most awkwardly-tiny spaces for you today!
Hang baskets for spaces with minimal shelving.
I learned this trick from one of my favorite RV-living ladies! After seeing how Maria store their fruit in hanging open weave baskets due to such limited counter space in her RV, I realized I could apply the same concept to our odd entryway. Though its our plethora of gloves, hats and mittens that I’m trying to store during our frigid Montana winters.
With this circular woven basket (similar) our winter wear stays right where we need it, but looks so much more presentable than hats and mittens everywhere.

Perfume boxes and old suitcases for storage boxes.
I’m like any other girl and love getting lost in Target aisles, but I don’t love shelling out a fortune in functional, cute storage. (I like to save that for plants and vintage finds.) After realizing my gifted Jo Malone perfume came in a box that was just as beautiful as anything in Target aisles, I started saving all kinds of boxes.
Simply stash your jewelry, hair accessories, and whatever other odds and ends you have around in them for stunning and affordable storage.

Ladders as side tables.
When I was looking for a nightstand for our bedroom, I had to find one that was no more than 18″ inches wide. Eek. (And I wasn’t really loving the idea of shelling out a fortune on something that was such odd sizing.)
Luckily, I ended up finding a vintage ladder that fit perfectly in my oh-so-small space. While the steps provide for unique shelving, I actually ended up purchasing a vintage suitcase to act as a makeshift drawer. It helps keep the clutter down and the shelving look a bit more put together.

If you are like me and are constantly looking for storage solutions for small spaces, don’t be afraid to get a little creative
Creative Storage Solutions for Small Spaces