Whoa. I’m not even sure where to start this blog post. I mean it’s just been an awfully long time since I even blogged. (I’m actively not looking up my last post at the moment.)
I’ve been meaning to do a life update for quite awhile, but this year seems determined to throw as many curveballs as possible. And honestly I got in a bit of a bad habit. I kept waiting for things to mellow out and I think, if anything, this year has taught me to stop waiting for the “new normal.” SO here I am blogging a fun life catch up and loving every minute of it.
Working: on building our house! If you have been following along on Instagram (thanks so much for sticking around!) you’ve probably seen my somewhat-regular house updates.
After finding a house for sale in a small town (that also happened to be the definition of a fixer upper) we decided to stay in Bozeman and build a house on family land. I’m definitely partial to fixer uppers, but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to build in Bozeman.
It’s been a lot planning and now we are currently in full building mode with framing starting next week! We have to be in the house by June since that’s when our construction loan ends SO we have a lot to-do.

Planning: our wedding! Yep. We got engaged! A month after we started looking at houses, my guy took me on our favorite hike and the rest is history. You can read the full recap over here.
Even though I work in the wedding industry I have to say… I’m just not into massive weddings. I would so much rather put our money into our house than a one day event. So we are keeping it small and decided to have our wedding at our new home! My fiancé and I knew there was no other place that would mean as much to us as our home and, quite frankly, no other place that would fit into our budget so nicely.

I’ve already bought my dress (literally just ordered it offline as I didn’t want the fuss of trying on dresses) and I tracked down a beautiful veil during a local veil sale. But the rest is somewhat on the back burner until our house is finished! Of course that hasn’t stopped me from picking out a few details…

Wanting: a couple more 60 degree days. We had such a beautiful fall in Montana so I hate to complain, but I really could use some more warm weather.
Reading: The Guest List! Could. Not. Put. It. Down.
Watching: reruns of The Crown. I’m more than ready for the next season!
Listening: to Kacey Musgraves on repeat. She is the bubblegum we need during this year!
Hoping: we have a mild winter while building our house.
Waiting: til next Spring to start finalizing vendors for our wedding.
Getting: excited to design our home.
Wishing: there were more hours in a day.
Dreaming: of sitting by the fireplace in our new home. Munching Sipping: on any and all soup.
Sipping: homemade matcha lattes. Color me obsessed.
Finishing: our nightstands! Found some simple side tables that just needed a little TLC.
Saving: every dime that I can! Weddings and houses happen to cost quite a lot.
Looking: for any good furniture deals.
Wearing: these super soft bodysuits from Everlane. They are about the only thing I’ve been spending money on that isn’t house related!
Buying: not a whole lot that isn’t house related.
Refusing: to believe Christmas is less than 70 days away. Absolutely wild.
Organizing: my wedding board and home board.
Loving: our engagement photos! My unbelievably talented friend Keeley took the photos in this blog post and I cannot stop staring at them.
Bookmarking: Elisabeth Huijskens weekly emails. Could not recommend them enough!

Life has felt insanely busy, but have to say it feels so good to be back at the keyboard. I fell in love with blogging years ago and I’m happy to say that love is still there.
I know this year has been a rough one for everyone so I would love to hear what you are looking forward to? As always feel free to use the template above in your own way!
Peach Parities ||2020