Twenty Eighteen


Dec 27, 2017

Snowy Mountain Scene

The fact that 2018 is just next week seems so crazy! And like most people I’m starting to look forward and dream about the possibilities an unseen year has in store for me.  The last couple of years I’ve chosen to dedicate my next 365 days to a single word.  It’s been a habit that honestly has given me the most.  But with last year I missed the mark. I think I envisioned myself changing… maybe a bit too much.

Intention is a beautiful thing to chase and to commit to.  For myself, I found it a bit abstract and unattainable (I am just not the type to check in daily with my goals), meaning I found much more success in making myself uncomfortable.  Rather than always having a purpose from day to day, I molded it to never letting myself shy away from challenges.  The excuse of “That’s not really what I do…” no longer cut it.  So while I would love to say 2017 was a year of intention… I think it was much more a year of being uncomfortable.

I picked up and moved my home.  Left a career to chase a “silly” dream.  Said yes to blog things I usually politely decline.  Found myself in a cabin filled with strangers.  Also, interestingly enough, it’s the second year in a row that I choose a word typically has a negative connotation, which blows my mind as I’m typically a very positive person.

BUT this year… this year I’m giving myself a break.

Or a list.

Not one word to commit to.  A list of simple things to remember.  Things that let me dream and grow.


Twenty Eighteen


This year I found myself blessed with plenty of work and opportunities which felt soooo good! And something I’ll never complain about… but it’s something I also found myself developing bad habits around.  “Too busy” became a constant phrase and soon I realized it was a blow off.  Maybe not an intentional one, but an excuse I’d repeat if I failed. “It’s not my fault I can get to the DMV, I’m too busy.” “I haven’t called because I’m too busy anymore!” That sort of thing.

I also tried my own hand at video and while I’m beyond uneducated on video, I don’t want to be scared of it.

L is one of the hardest working people I’ve ever met.  While he has informed me he wants to refocus his intention this year, I would like to get even a touch of his tenacity to finish a project. Also, he is a my business guru and I desperately need a better business brain. So if that would rub off on me that would be just fine!

Hawaii – a tropical destination neither L nor I have ever been to that sounds beyond lovely compared to our current ten inches of snow in Bozeman.

“Work when you work!” A phrase my favorite podcast says. And truth be told I’ve checked Instagram at least twice while writing this alone.

I’m borderline the pickiest eater ever and feel like fish tacos is a safe, but good goal to stretch outside my comfort zone. Everyone says they are amazing, so I feel like this will be a more successful goal than “try escargot.”

I would love to say I’m so smart I came up with this all on my own! But nope.  I pinned it to my Pinterest board a while back and haven’t been able to let it out of my mind.  I’m thankful for it because may  give me a year of part dreams and part growth.

What do you want your 2018 to look like?



Twenty Eighteen


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