It’s been a while since I’ve shared five good things. Truthfully, I got so far behind with my blogging this summer and I ended up being a bit afraid of this little space. My ideas never seemed to turn out quite right and I was constantly start a post and n e v e r posting it.
So I decided to start out slow. A few good news that I’ve stumbled across and wanted to share with you.

It’s so crazy the impact a simple manicure can have. I would be lying if I said I didn’t tear up reading both of the young women’s responses.
Ok, so this might not be exactly good news, but once I put my phone in the refrigerator when I was super sleep deprived and this list makes it nice to know that I’m not alone.
A friendly reminder to myself that I’m actually not too busy to help out around my community – I mean if a two year old can can help hers, there is no reason I can’t help out in my own.
I finally got to visit a beautiful Sicilian restaurant in Red Lodge, MT! There is nothing like discovering new places, especially if they have beyond delicious food.
I don’t think this is the first time this kind of story has made the news, but it n e v e r gets old.

It feels good to be back typing away! I’m glad I finally hit ‘publish’ and found my voice again. Thanks for sticking around and I hope these five good things brighten your day.
5 Good Things