Restoring furniture with paint and new stain makes a big impact. But sometimes even just a small change makes a huge difference! One of my favorite ways to upcycle our thrifted furniture is by simply swapping out the furniture legs. It’s a bit surprising just how much a pair of DIY furniture legs changes things.
I first discovered the power of swapping out furniture legs when we purchased our used sofa off of Marketplace. The velvet green sofa may be a used Wayfair sofa, but the original owner swapped the plastic legs for a pair of wooden furniture legs and ended up creating a one-of-a-kind piece.

So before you find yourself stressed over sofa prices, see if new wooden dowels will do the trick.
Over on Instagram today I’m upcycling a bed frame I bought secondhand on Marketplace with the first wooden dowel from above.
UPCYCLING: The Power of New Furniture Legs